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AGS Friends

Welcome to AGS Friends

AGS Friends Association is a group of parents, staff and other members of the community associated with the school. The formation of this group began in January 2024 with the aim of fundraising to support the school and the education of students. 

We are a registered Charity and our Charity number is 1208352. All of our minutes and agendas are available on this page, so you can see what is happening, and the progress that we are making!

Membership is automatic for all parents, carers, guardians and staff at the school, and all are welcome at meetings. We hope to see you there!

Our AGM - information updated 16 January 2025

On Tuesday 21st January we're holding the AGS Friends AGM, where we will be one year old. We will be celebrating with a birthday cake - and you are all invited!  Please see the formal notice of the AGM, as required by our constitution below.

As a registered charity, we have a small formal committee, who are trustees of the charity, and there will be elections to vote the committee in, as well as normal business of planning events and fund-raising throughout the year. To find out more about what typically the committee do, click here.

We have one member of the committee standing down - a huge thank you to Julie Parry for helping us get set up in our inaugural year and navigating all of our 'firsts' with us. 

We are therefore looking for someone to join the committee.  Could it be you??!! 

You don't need to have lots of spare time - just a willingness to take a share of the thinking, and volunteering at some of our events, along with helping oversee finances, communications and policies. Please get in touch if you would like to get more involved and we can explain the role to you.

Committee Nominations are:

Chair - Von Bruton

Vice Chair - Julia Gilmour

Treasurer - Gemma Farrington

Secretary - Helen Silcox

SLT - Rachel Thorpe

We want to hear from you!

You can contact AGS Friends by using this email address: 
Any help you can offer is appreciated. Please share your thoughts by completing this survey

Dates of meetings, all start at 7pm in the sports hall:

Thursday 19 September. Please read the AGSF 24-25 outline below as this will be discussed.

Wednesday 13 November. This meeting will start at 6pm with a social afterwards. 

Tuesday 21 January - this will also be our AGM.

Tuesday 4 March.

Thursday 8 May.

Tuesday 10 June.

Minutes of meetings can be found under the Minutes tab on the right hand side.

The agenda for our next meeting is here: