Homework Timetable
Click here for our Year 7-9 2024/25 Homework timetable.
Parent and student feedback have alerted us to the fact that a number of students have been completing far more than our recommended quantities of homework. This was never our intention as we realise the importance of our students having other commitments, hobbies and interests outside of the school curriculum.
Our recommended homework times remain at:
Year 7 | Up to 1 hour per night equating to approximately 5 hours per week |
Year 8 | Up to 1 hour 15 minutes per night equating to approximately 6 hours per week |
Year 9 | Up to 1 hour 30 minutes per night equating to approximately 7.5 hours per week |
Year 10/11 | Up to 2 hours per night approximately 10 hours per week or 1 hour per week in each GCSE subject |
In Years 7-9 we have decided to introduce a fortnightly homework timetable, where frequency of homework reflects the amount of curriculum time devoted to each subject. As a result Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Art, DT, FT, Geography, History, Computing and RE homework tasks will now be set fortnightly. Music and Drama will continue to set homework occasionally (typically twice per half term).
The timetable lists the day homework is set and we ask students to negotiate with their subject teachers a suitable hand in date to help spread their homework load. Staff are asked to avoid setting homework for handing in on the next day as we appreciate that students have other extra-curricular involvement. Remember the timetable is a framework for staff and students and there may be a need for occasional flexibility. All homework tasks should be listed on SatchelOne. As always, please contact us if you feel your son/daughter is regularly receiving either too much or too little homework.