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Biology A-level will give you the skills to make connections and associations with all living things around you. Biology literally means the study of life and if that’s not important, what is? Being such a broad topic, you’re bound to find a specific area of interest, plus it opens the door to a fantastic range of interesting careers.

A successful student in biology has to be competent in many skills including practical, analysis of data, mathematical, and able to write essays. It is therefore a highly regarded A level by both Universities and employers.

AQA Biology

Please click here for the specification and past papers, teaching materials, and vocabulary lists etc, supplied by AQA.

Subject Content

Please click here for the curriculum plan for the 2 years. The chapters refer to the biology textbook which is a compulsory purchase (see incoming y12 work and book list on this website) The colours on the curriculum plan are chosen to show how themes progress in biology.  

First year of A Level Second Year of A Level
  1.  Biological Molecules
  1. Energy transfers in and between organisms
  1. Cells
  1. Organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments
  1. Organisms exchange substances with their environment
  1. Genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems
  1. Genetic information variation and relationships between organisms
  1.  The control of gene expression

There are 6 required practical activities in year 12 and 6 in year 13. There are questions on these in the examination papers. All 12 must be completed and competencies assessed in 5 areas of practical work (CPACS) throughout the course for students to attain the practical ‘endorsement’ which is certificated alongside (but not part of) their A level grade.


Motivated year 12 students can participate on a non-compulsory residential trip. This is 4 days on Field course studying the rocky shore at Dale Fort, Pembrokeshire




Background Reading

Please click here for an A Level Biology reading list.