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Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (P.R.E)

Philosphy, Religion and Ethics (OCR course code H573)

We offer a popular and growing A Level course at Alcester Grammar School, where many of our students go on to pursue a degree course in a related subject. This A Level course enables students to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of philosophical debate, ethical discussion and the development of religious teachings. Learners will develop skills of critical analysis in order to construct balanced, informed arguments and responses to religious, philosophical and ethical ideas. This A Level is taught and examined in three equal components, outlined below.

Philosophy of religion


Learners will study:

  • Ancient philosophical influences
  • The nature of the soul, mind and body
  • Arguments about the existence or non-existence of God
  • The nature and impact of religious experience
  • The challenge for religious belief of the problem of evil
  • Ideas about the nature of God
  • Issues in religious language.

33.3% of total A Level



Learners will study:

  • Normative ethical theories
  • The application of ethical theory to two contemporary issues of importance
  • Ethical language and thought
  • Debates surrounding the significant idea of conscience
  • Sexual ethics and the influence on ethical thought of developments in religious beliefs
33.3% of total A Level

Religion (Development in Christian Thought)


Learners will study:

  • Religious beliefs, values and teachings, their interconnections and how they vary historically and in the contemporary world
  • Sources of religious wisdom and authority
  • Practices which shape and express religious identity, and how these vary within a tradition

33.3% of total A Level

Beyond exams...

We believe that learning extends beyond the classroom. Our A-Level programme includes a range of opportunities to enhance your educational journey:

  • Trips to Athens: Immerse yourself in the cradle of Western philosophy with our educational trips to Athens, offering firsthand experiences of historical sites and philosophical landmarks.

  • Work Experience: Gain real-world insights and practical skills through our structured work experience placements, designed to complement your academic studies.

  • Guest Speakers: Engage with experts from various fields through our guest speaker sessions, providing diverse perspectives and inspiring discussions.

  • Public Speaking Opportunities: Develop your communication skills and confidence with numerous public speaking opportunities and opportunities for collaboration, 

Join us on this transformative journey and become a part of a community dedicated to academic excellence and personal growth.