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Physics (AS and A-Level) AQA

Physics is the search for the answers to some of the biggest questions. It is about the Universe and how it has come to be how it is today. It is also about how the world works on the smallest scale, that of atoms, nuclei, proton, quarks and beyond. The products of physics affect our lives every day. Satellite communications and computers affect the way the world now works and how we organise our lives. Advances in medical physics mean earlier diagnosis of illness and potentially better treatment of disease.

What’s included?             

In year 12 you will study

  • Measurements and their errors
  • Particles and radiation
  • Waves
  • Mechanics and materials
  • Electricity

In year 13 you will study

  • Further mechanics and thermal physics
  • Fields and their consequences
  • Nuclear physics
  • Option Module: Turning Points in Physics or Astrophysics (choice pending)



Assessment at A Level takes the form of three written papers, all in May / June of Year 13, which make up 100% of your final A Level grade.  Paper content is as follows.






Paper 1

2 hours



60 marks of short and long answer questions and 25 multiple choice questions on AS content plus Periodic Motion.

Paper 2

2 hours



60 marks of short and long answer questions and 25 multiple choice questions on A Level (Y13) content.

Paper 3

2 hours



45 marks of short and long answer questions on practical experiments and data analysis.


35 marks of short and long answer questions on optional topic.

In addition to this, students must complete a number of required practicals throughout the course which is then assessed as a separate Practical Endorsement. This is either awarded as a “Pass” or a “Fail”

Full details of the specification can be found HERE

We do not require students to study A level mathematics in order to study A level Physics however there are some fundamental mathematical skills which are key in order to be successful in A level Physics.  A list of these can be found here.