Emergency School Closures
Emergency School Closures
In the event of an emergency closure (e.g. bad weather overnight) please check the school website home page, the @AGSPrincipal twitter feed and the Warwickshire Local Authority website. We will endeavour to inform all parents via the GroupCall text / email messaging service.
Warwickshire LA website: www.warwickshire.gov.uk/schoolclosures
Avoid relying on social networking sites where rumours are occasionally rife
If the school is forced to close due to bad weather on a date when there is an exam scheduled, please be assured that all external exams will go ahead even if school is 'closed'. Examination Boards will not allow the rescheduling of exams and staff will be in school to run the exams as normal, whatever the conditions. If bad weather is forecast and travel to school is likely to be difficult, students may need to consider making special arrangements for getting into school in time to sit their exams.